Emergency Power Solutions: Industrial Generators for Hospital

by | Nov 12, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

As hospitals and healthcare facilities play a vital role in saving lives, it is crucial to have a dependable source of emergency power to ensure uninterrupted operations. Industrial generators have emerged as the go-to solution for providing reliable backup power in times of grid failures, natural disasters, or equipment malfunctions. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how industrial generators serve as critical emergency power solutions for hospitals, safeguarding patient care and medical operations.

Importance of Emergency Power for Hospitals

Hospitals are bustling hubs of activity, where the lives and well-being of patients rely on a continuous supply of electricity. Power outages can have dire consequences, leading to disruption of medical procedures, loss of critical data, and compromised patient safety. Therefore, having a reliable source of emergency power is essential to ensure uninterrupted operations and the well-being of patients.

During power outages, hospitals must rely on backup generators to provide electricity to life-saving equipment, critical communication systems, and essential facilities such as lighting and HVAC systems. Industrial generators are designed to meet the unique demands of healthcare facilities, offering a robust and dependable power supply during emergencies.

Understanding Industrial Generators for Hospitals

Industrial generators, specifically designed for hospitals and healthcare facilities, are engineered to deliver reliable backup power and meet the stringent requirements of the medical industry. These generators come in a range of sizes, fuel types, and power outputs, allowing hospitals to choose the most suitable option based on their specific needs and capacity requirements.

Diesel Generators: Powering Hospitals with Efficiency

Diesel generators have long been the preferred choice for hospitals due to their high power output and efficiency. These generators can provide large-scale power supply to critical equipment, ensuring uninterrupted operations during emergencies. With power outputs ranging from 5 kW to 2,000 kW, diesel generators are capable of meeting the demanding power needs of even the largest healthcare facilities.

One of the key advantages of diesel generators is their fuel efficiency, allowing hospitals to maximise power output while minimising fuel consumption. These generators are built to meet strict emission standards, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations while providing a reliable power source.

Gas Generators: Versatile and Environmentally Friendly

Gas generators offer hospitals a versatile and environmentally friendly alternative for emergency power. These generators can operate on a variety of fuels, including natural gas, biogas, propane, coal gas, and alternative fuels. The ability to switch between different fuel sources provides hospitals with flexibility and cost-effectiveness, depending on the availability and pricing of fuel options.

Gas generators are known for their low emissions and reduced carbon footprint, making them an eco-friendly choice for healthcare facilities. They offer reliable power supply with power outputs of up to 9,700 ekW per unit, ensuring uninterrupted operations during critical situations.

Microgrids: Harnessing Renewable Energy for Hospitals

Microgrids and renewable energy systems have gained popularity in recent years, offering hospitals a sustainable and cost-effective power solution. By harnessing sunlight through photovoltaic modules and utilising storage inverters, hospitals can create a robust power generation and storage system. This allows them to reduce dependency on traditional power sources and ensure a continuous supply of clean energy.

Microgrids enable hospitals to optimise power usage, minimise energy waste, and reduce reliance on the electrical grid. These systems provide a reliable backup power solution, ensuring uninterrupted operations even during extended power outages or grid failures.

Mobile Generator Sets: Power Where It’s Needed

In situations where power needs to be delivered to remote locations or temporary facilities, mobile generator sets offer a flexible and on-demand power solution. These generators can be easily transported to the desired location, providing reliable power supply for off-site work or mobile events.

Mobile generator sets are designed to be versatile and robust, capable of withstanding harsh conditions and delivering power when and where it is needed the most. They ensure that critical operations can continue without interruption, regardless of the location or temporary nature of the facility.

Compliance and Regulations for Hospital Backup Power

Compliance with regulations and codes is of utmost importance when it comes to hospital backup power systems. The healthcare industry is subject to strict standards and guidelines to ensure patient safety and the uninterrupted delivery of medical services. Hospital administrators and facility managers must adhere to these regulations and codes to obtain proper certification and meet the necessary legal requirements.

National Electric Code (NEC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards

Hospitals and healthcare facilities must comply with the National Electric Code (NEC) 700 and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 110 standards. These standards specify that emergency power must be available within 10 seconds to life safety and critical branch loads in the event of a utility failure.

Adhering to NEC and NFPA standards ensures that hospitals can effectively respond to power outages and maintain essential services for patient care and safety. Regular load bank exercises are recommended to identify critical systems connected to backup generators and address any issues or requirements for additional generators.

State and Municipal Codes for Generator Placement and Runtime

In addition to NEC and NFPA standards, hospitals may need to comply with state and municipal codes regarding generator placement and minimum generator runtime standards. These codes ensure that generators are located in appropriate areas, protected from floods, earthquakes, and fire hazards. They also dictate the minimum runtime requirements during power outages.

Hospital administrators, facility managers, and specifiers should consult local codes and regulations to determine the specific requirements for generator placement and runtime in their region. Compliance with these codes is crucial to ensure the safety and reliability of hospital backup power systems.

Compliance with Tier 4 Emission Standards

While healthcare facilities do not need to be Tier 4 compliant for engines, many utilities require compliance to grant access to their generation. Tier 4 compliance refers to the emissions standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for diesel engines. Meeting Tier 4 standards requires additional maintenance and equipment, such as emissions control systems, which can add complexity and cost to generator operations.

Healthcare facilities should carefully consider the maintenance requirements and emissions control systems associated with Tier 4 engines before deciding on a backup power solution. Alternatives such as natural gas or bi-fuel generators may offer a balance between compliance and maintenance requirements, providing hospitals with reliable and efficient power generation options.

Integrated Paralleling and Redundancy for Enhanced Reliability

To further enhance the reliability of hospital backup power systems, integrated paralleling and redundancy solutions are available. These advanced systems ensure continuous power supply by seamlessly switching between multiple generators or combining different fuel sources for extended runtime.

Generac’s Modular Power System (MPS) is an innovative solution that provides scalable and redundant power for hospitals. With MPS, multiple generators can be paralleled to meet the growing power needs of hospitals. This system offers flexibility, requires less electrical room space, and reduces initial capital costs without compromising reliability.

By integrating paralleling and redundancy features into hospital backup power systems, hospitals can ensure that critical operations continue even if one generator fails. This redundancy minimises the risk of downtime and ensures uninterrupted power supply to essential equipment and facilities.

Maintenance Considerations for Hospital Backup Generators

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the reliability and optimal performance of hospital backup generators. Hospitals should establish a comprehensive maintenance program that includes routine inspections, servicing, and testing of generators and associated equipment. This proactive approach helps identify potential issues and address them before they cause unexpected breakdowns or failures.

Diesel generators require regular maintenance to ensure the stability and ease of fuel flow. With low-sulphur diesel fuel requirements, hospitals must recondition the fuel every 12-16 months. This process, along with the maintenance of exhaust after-treatment systems, requires experienced facility managers or third-party providers to handle the servicing.

To reduce the maintenance burden, many hospitals are turning to natural gas generators. These generators require less maintenance compared to diesel generators and have fewer emissions, making them a more environmentally friendly choice. When considering maintenance requirements, hospitals should evaluate the expertise available in their facility or the feasibility of outsourcing maintenance services.

Choosing the Right Industrial Generator for Your Hospital

Selecting the right industrial generator for your hospital requires careful consideration of various factors, including power requirements, fuel availability, compliance with regulations, and maintenance considerations. Here are some key points to keep in mind when choosing a generator:

  • Assess your hospital’s power requirements: Determine the power needs of critical equipment, communication systems, and essential facilities during an outage. Consider the peak power demand and the capacity of the generator to meet those requirements.
  • Evaluate fuel options: Assess the availability and cost of different fuel sources in your area. Consider the environmental impact, emissions regulations, and the long-term cost of fuel when choosing between diesel, natural gas, or bi-fuel generators.
  • Consider compliance with regulations: Understand the local codes and regulations governing generator placement, runtime requirements, emissions standards, and other compliance factors. Ensure that the chosen generator meets these requirements.
  • Evaluate maintenance requirements: Assess the maintenance expertise available in your facility and the resources required to maintain the generator. Consider the long-term cost of maintenance and the availability of spare parts and service support.
  • Seek expert advice: Consult with experienced generator suppliers and technicians to understand your specific needs and find the most suitable generator solution for your hospital. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their expertise and industry knowledge.

By carefully considering these factors and seeking expert guidance, hospitals can choose the right industrial generator that meets their specific power needs and ensures uninterrupted operations even in the face of emergencies.


Industrial generators play a critical role in providing reliable emergency power solutions for hospitals. With the ability to deliver uninterrupted power during outages, these generators safeguard patient care, maintain critical operations, and ensure the safety of healthcare facilities. By understanding the importance of emergency power, complying with regulations, and selecting the right generator for their specific needs, hospitals can ensure continuous power supply and peace of mind in critical situations.

Investing in reliable industrial generators is a testament to a hospital’s commitment to patient care and safety. These generators serve as a lifeline during emergencies, guaranteeing uninterrupted power supply to essential equipment, communication systems, and facilities. By partnering with trusted generator suppliers and maintenance providers, hospitals can confidently navigate the complexities of backup power systems, ensuring uninterrupted operations and the well-being of their patients.